I'm never in front of the camera, so I get nervous, start laughing and then my eyes disappear...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Starwberry Jam
I chopped up 6 pints of strawberries...
My grandmother used to love caning. Apparantly it was the only thing she liked to do in the house. My mom would tell me as we were caning that her mom said it was the only think she did around the house that lasted more than a day. I never met my grandmother, but I really understand her sentiments!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
This terrible picture is of my living room, covered in laundry. You see, laundry is the bane of my existence. I do it, but it ends up on a counter top I built on top of my washer and dryer. When we need clothes we sort through the pile. Occasionally, my mother will tackle the pile and fold everything for me. But then, one of the real problems begins of where to put it all? Because not only do I have to sort and fold, but some of the clothes go back to their dad's house. Then there is the inevitable sorting of which clothes are now too small and have to be either given to a friend or packed away for Max when he gets bigger. Then, the worst thing of all are the socks...I wont even go there because it is just too painful...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Boy's Big Days
We ate everything he killed and my poor roommate in college looked at everything I cooked very suspiciously. What I'm trying to say is that I grew up with guns. However, when my husband left - I made sure that his gun went with him. I did not and do not want a gun in my house with my children.
But you see, it appears that I have a Blue Jay nest somewhere near my backyard. I've never really had a problem with Blue Jays until a couple moved in. They don't like anyone or anything in the backyard. They start screeching around 4:30 in the morning. It sounds like an alarm clock and is more than annoying.
They very quickly "ran out" of BBs and the gun had to go away again. I am just not ready for that to be a regular part of our lives.
I also made an arbor thingy for the entrance to my vegetable garden out of concrete reinforcing wire I had left over from the tomato cages. This stuff is HARD to cut! I got out the Dremel, and boy did it go fast. The boys wanted to get in on the cutting...(after all, it was throwing off sparks, making loud noises and was a power tool)
Max ran into the house while Ryan was cutting and came out a few minutes later and announced that he was now protected...
Because I was using leftover material, the arbor is not the strongest structure and I used old tiki torches for support...
We also went to their first baseball game! I tried to explain the basics...but here's the main difference between my kids:
Ryan wanted to know how they built the lights so big and tall...
Max was into the ketchup...
And we had puppies...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Egg Casserole
Being a Stay at Home Mom
I am absolutely loving the slower paced lifestyle. I would say that we can sleep in, but the boys don't understand the value of that yet. However, there is no rushing around in the morning trying to make breakfast and get everyone ready to get out the door, already late before we even get in the car. We don't have to even leave the house unless we want to. Yesterday we went to get chicken and cat food at the feed store. It was wonderful! I so look forward to the days that I don't go anywhere!
As much as I love being home, there are a few things that are a problem for me. One is that I cook three meals a day. That is not the problem - I love to cook (for the most part), and I cook really good food. The problem is that the kitchen is a mess at least three times a day. It doesn't matter how many times you do the dishes, they always need to be done again! And as I complain about this, I honestly know that this is not because it's summer, my kitchen always needs cleaning of some sort. After all, I have 7 or more people living in my house, and sometimes more...
The other problem is that it feeds into my isolationist tendencies. I have a difficult time making friends and forcing myself out of the house, or even to call people. I have belonged to a women's Bible Study for mother's of young children for going on five years now. These are women who I respect and admire. We all met and went to the park this morning and it was a lovely time. All the kids had a good time and I really, really enjoy hanging out with these women. But, I constantly feel like I am sticking my foot in my mouth. Well, honestly more like both feet and maybe some chin. Although, I got to hold a baby. It hurt and was so wonderful all at the same time!
It's hard for me to force myself out of my comfort zone, pick up the phone and invite someone over. Or invite myself over to their house. I wasn't the most liked kid growing up, in fact, I was the beat up kid who everyone made fun of...Curling up with a good book is what I have done most of my life! So, I am going to make a huge effort and force myself to make more connections! Just so I am being honest, here are some of my reasons why I don't just pick up the phone:
1. I feel like they don't really like me and are just being polite.
2. My house is always a mess. I am not the world's best housekeeper and think there are way too many more fun things to do and people to be with than have a perfectly kept house. However, I don't like people to see my lack of a clean house...vicious circle because in reality I am a perfectionist and want me house to be perfect.
3. I'm a single mom. I need the company most when I don't have my kids around - but that is usually family time and I feel bad asking to come over when families are having dinner and well - family time.
4. My boys are full-fledged boys. As much as I try to encourage their creativity, imagination and resourcefulness, not everybody appreciates or understands that boys are well, boisterous.
Ok, so here is my list of pathetic excuses and I will be working on them this summer...I will consider this personal growth time and invite someone over while there are still dishes in the sink and not try to frantically wash them before my guests come over!
After the park, I decided to splurge and took the boys to In-n-Out for lunch!
Yes, Ryan is in a Hulk costume. The only surprising thing about that, is that Max is not in costume!
Ice Cream
“Would you share it with me?”
“Sure. I take some eggs, some milk, some cream or half and half, sugar, flour, salt and vanilla. Mix it up and pour it in the ice cream maker.”
“Gee, considering I haven’t done this before, I’m not sure that helps much.”
“Why not?”
“Ok. How much sugar? How many eggs? How much milk?”
“Just throw some together, taste it to see if you need to add anything.”
“Ok, why the flour?”
“It makes it smoother. I’d probably only put in a tablespoon or so.”
Strange as this conversation is – this is how I learned to cook. And for most things if I call my mom and ask, these are the kinds of recipes I get. These are also the kinds of recipes I give other people when they ask. Well, you take a little of this and a little of that until it looks right…Right now, I am officially apologizing to everyone who has ever called and asked for me to share a recipe especially those of you who would be self proclaimed non-chefs.
So, I did what my mom told me to. I used 2 eggs (fresh from my chickens), about a cup of sugar, some heavy cream (left over from the most amazing mushroom cream sauce I made the other night), milk, salt, flour and vanilla.
The ice cream was awesome! Here's Ryan on top of the playhouse eating his...
I sliced fresh strawberries for mine...This is really yummy summer goodness!
Recipe: (Well, an approximate recipe)
Beat together:
2 eggs
1 cup sugar (or less if you like it less sweet. I actually prefer a little less)
1/2 - 3/4 heavy cream or half and half
1 - 2 teaspoons vanilla depending on taste
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of flour if desired. (I made it both ways, since I had to turn around and make more the next day. I did notice with the flour it was a little smoother, but I like it either way. I am trying to limit our intake of wheat, so it's absolutely delicious without it.)
Enough milk to make 4 cups of liquid
Pour into an ice cream maker and freeze!
I have a quart size ice cream maker, so this is for that amount...change recipe as desired and feel free to add fresh fruit, caramel swirls....Also, this recipe is uncooked, so you are eating raw eggs. I have no problem eating raw eggs since they are in most of my favorite foods - hollandaise sauces, homemade mayonnaise, cookie dough, brownie batter...if this concerns you, you could always cook the mixture until it thickens a little and is hot but not boiling. This completely changes the texture and now you have a custard based ice cream recipe instead. A lot of people prefer this, but I love the simplicity and ease of having the mixture in the maker in a matter of minutes!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Chicken Training
Monday, June 8, 2009
photos of the day
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Weather and Water
Although I realize I am lucky to live in a zone where we (not me for some reason, but people around me) are already harvesting tomatoes and peppers, the weather is very difficult thing for me to handle. Besides that fact that heat is my own personal enemy, it is also my plants enemy. In fact, we almost have two short seasons rather than one long one since plants shut down in temperatures over 96 degrees. This sucks since we count the number of days in a row over 100 with regularity. I have been known to say, it's only been 5 days over 110...
I love the puffy clouds and beautiful temperatures!!!