Monday, June 22, 2009

Boy's Big Days

The boys have been having some big days lately! This week they learned how to shoot a BB gun and how not to shot themselves, each other or anyone else! I know that a lot of people do not like guns and believe me I understand. I come from a long line of hunters and my dad bought my first gun when I was four. He immediately taught me gun safety and took me hunting with him so I understood that guns kill things.

We ate everything he killed and my poor roommate in college looked at everything I cooked very suspiciously. What I'm trying to say is that I grew up with guns. However, when my husband left - I made sure that his gun went with him. I did not and do not want a gun in my house with my children.

But you see, it appears that I have a Blue Jay nest somewhere near my backyard. I've never really had a problem with Blue Jays until a couple moved in. They don't like anyone or anything in the backyard. They start screeching around 4:30 in the morning. It sounds like an alarm clock and is more than annoying.
I don't trust my kids and it's way too dangerous. I realize that there is a huge gun debate in this country and I really understand both sides of the argument, but this is not the place for me to get into that debate. What I wanted to say, was how excited they were that I finally allowed them to touch their father's BB gun and taught them how to shoot.

They very quickly "ran out" of BBs and the gun had to go away again. I am just not ready for that to be a regular part of our lives.

I also made an arbor thingy for the entrance to my vegetable garden out of concrete reinforcing wire I had left over from the tomato cages. This stuff is HARD to cut! I got out the Dremel, and boy did it go fast. The boys wanted to get in on the cutting...(after all, it was throwing off sparks, making loud noises and was a power tool)

Max ran into the house while Ryan was cutting and came out a few minutes later and announced that he was now protected...

Because I was using leftover material, the arbor is not the strongest structure and I used old tiki torches for support...

We also went to their first baseball game! I tried to explain the basics...but here's the main difference between my kids:

Ryan wanted to know how they built the lights so big and tall...

Max was into the ketchup...

And we had puppies...

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