Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February Challenge

Okay, I know this is coming a little late, but bear with me - everything is late in my life right now! The challenge for February is the No Food Waste Challenge. I am not the only one doing this and in fact, this is not even my idea, but it rocks. My mother used to say "A woman can throw more out the back door, than her husband can bring in the front." Besides the fact that this is an obvious patriarchial, insulting remark, the sentiment is still valid. We throw away so much stuff, including food.

While reading about this challenge, I was amazed at the statistics. It's estimated that Americans don't eat 40-50% of the food we produce. That's a lot of food we throw away, not to mention what it took in energy, fossil fuels, labor and transportation costs to produce that food. This is a great blog that explains the challenge and all of the statistics if you're interested...I would love to write an in depth, articulate and stunning article about this topic, but that would just be procrastnating even more and Crunchy Chicken did a great job!

If you want to join me in the challenge, send me a comment and we'll try to waste less together.

Food Waste Reduction Challenge - February 2009


Darrin F. said...

Does this mean that you're actually going to start eating leftovers? :)

Jenn said...

I eat lots of leftovers, I just generally don't like to eat the same thing every night in a row...